Currently, there are two different approaches to kindergarten education. Academic programs stress the development of intellectual skills through formal instruction while developmental programs are concerned with the development of the whole child. However, you are most likely to find programs that emphasize one approach and include elements of the other.
When you're observing different kindergarten programs, remember that most young children learn best from hands-on activities. You will want to avoid programs where your daughter would be required to do a substantial amount of seatwork. A five-year-old needs to be moving around a lot and enjoying a wide variety of individual and group activities.
Also, is your daughter ready for a full-day program or is a half-day one more appropriate? Studies show that children who participate in full-day programs do have a more relaxed school experience and also perform better on basic skills tests in the first three grades than those who attend half-day programs.
You're right to want your daughter to enjoy her first school experience. This is very important to her future success in school. Your daughter is very lucky to have a mother who is doing so much research to make sure that she is placed in the best possible kindergarten program for her.