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Would homeschooling be better for my twins than public school, because of their delays in speech and learning?
I don't really know if homeschooling would be better than public school for your twins, but I do know that homeschooling is a very good alternative to public schools. Certain children, especially children that may look or act or sound differently, often run into problems in traditional schools. Those kids that need the most support and attention from their classmates are often the ones most rejected. Homeschooling offers kids a safe environment, free from the difficulties and struggles many of their schooled peers face on a daily basis.

I always advise parents to try homeschooling — if it doesn't work, you can always put your children in school. I originally decided to try homeschooling my girls for kindergarten. Nine years later, I'm still homeschooling and wouldn't change a thing! My one mistake? I did not read enough before I started, and most of the problems I encountered were because of my own ignorance. To avoid the same mistake, read any of Linda Dobson's books. Homeschooling: The Early Years -- Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 3- to 8-Year Old Child and The Homeschooling Book of Answers are two good choices. Our article, How To Homeschool, will provide more helpful advice.

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