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I am a former certified teacher in the state of Louisiana. My daughter is currently enrolled in a private Christian school. This year, the school has hired a teacher who has never been in a traditional classroom, but has taught the Montessori method for years. This situation does not seem to be working out for us and I am considering homeschooling.

Am I required to let the state know if I decide to homeschool my daughter? Are there specific guidelines that I must follow? I know that I am professionally qualified to teach her, but it is still a bit hard to take the plunge. Any encouragement that you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

The Louisiana Education Code for Homeschoolers appears to be a bit complicated. You do have to let your school district know you are homeschooling. You can also declare your home as a "private school," thus eliminating many reporting requirements. In a case like this, I suggest you contact several homeschool resource and support groups in Louisiana and speak with parents who currently homeschool. Experienced parents know how to work with and around the education code. Often regulations appear complicated, but are easily met using creative reporting and other methods.

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