Monitoring Legal Activity Regarding Homeschooling
It is a fact of life that education legislation changes frequently, and this can impact homeschooling. At any point in time, there is usually various legislative and legal activity occurring in several states that impact homeschooling in those states with the possibility of impacting it in other states as well.
Although you don't have to become a political activist when you homeschool, you should keep an eye on current activity in your state along with others to make sure that you are aware of any changes that might impact your homeschool. Homeschooling, like other rights, needs to be protected from the ever-increasing levels of government regulation and bureaucracy. To help with this, you need to be aware of what is happening.
The easiest and best way to keep informed is to participate in the HSLDA. In addition to providing information about state requirements, the HSLDA maintains a close watch on the legal activity regarding homeschooling in every state. You can get this information by visiting the HSLDA Web site. The Legislation Watch area provides you with a summary of current legislative activity at the federal level and in each state with an assessment of how that legislation will impact homeschool (make it better, neutral, or worse).
The HSLDA is involved in many of the court cases that involve homeschooling. These cases can have significant ramifications for all homeschoolers so it is good to be aware of them. Again, you can use the HSLDA Web page and other resources to know what is happening in this area.