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Where can I find information on the 504 Plan?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is also referred to as "The Civil Rights Act for the Handicapped." It guarantees accommodations (for example, extended time on tests) for children and adults with various handicapping conditions, both at school and at work. Most public schools have a Section 504 coordinator who can give you information about the law. Or you can contact your State or City Office of the Handicapped. Advocacy organizations including CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders, 1-800-232-4050), LDA (Learning Disabilities Association (1-888-300-6710), National Center for Learning Disabilities (1-800-575-7373) or International Dyslexia Association (1-800-ABCD123) can also be helpful in giving information on this important piece of legislation.

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