Movement and Body Awareness
Children who have problems with body awareness and movement may have difficulty functioning in everyday life. This article explains the different types of problems these children may experience.
In this article, you will find:
What to look for
Common Signs of Movement ProblemsThere's a wide variation in how much children like movement. Yes, some are happiest curled up for hours with a good book, while others go stir crazy if they sit around too long. To determine if there's a problem, ask yourself whether your child...
- is constantly on the move (can't sit still, fidgets);
- dislikes or craves activities that require his feet to leave the ground or challenge his balance;
- seems to have a stiff head, neck, and shoulders or always holds his head straight;
- hesitates or is afraid of climbing or descending stairs and playground equipment;
- seems overly fearful or fearless of movement, heights, or falling;
- gets dizzy very easily or never gets dizzy;
- becomes easily carsick or falls asleep immediately in a car (or bus, boat, train, airplane).