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My 11-year-old son has a variety of learning problems from reading to math. He has been tested in school and all of his testing has pointed to dyslexia. The school my son attends is very small and the teachers are not sure how to help him. We can get learning materials from our state library, but my son needs further testing and a doctor's approval to get this. I live in Dayton, Nevada. My family doctor and I have tried to find a specialist to test him, but we've had no luck! I would appreciate any information on where I can get further testing for him or how we can help him. Thank you.
You have a couple of choices. You can contact the University Affiliated Program (UAP) at the University of Nevada in Reno (UNR). They provide services to children with a variety of special needs. If they can't do the evaluation you need there, they should be able to direct you to someone who is qualified to do this. Your pediatrician may need to refer you to the UAP. You can also contact the Family Practice Residency Program at UNR, and ask to speak to someone in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (775-784-4197). They ought to know of people in your area, too.

I don't think there is a branch of the Learning Disabilities Association (LDA) in Nevada, but you can go to the national LDA website to find out which states around you have chapters. I know that California has several chapters. Visit the website of LDA in California to find out which local chapter is closest to the Nevada border. These good folks should be able to refer you to a professional who is qualified to help you either across the border or in Nevada. If you need more information about dyslexia, be sure to visit the website of the International Dyslexia Association. This will also be a good resource for your son's teachers. Hope these resources help. Good luck to you and your son. Let us know how this turns out.

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