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Tactile Sensitivity

Learn about tactile sensitivity, including how to help a child with this issue.

In this article, you will find:

Symptoms to look for

Common Signs of Tactile Sensitivity
While many children show these signs, consider whether your child shows them more often and more dramatically than other children do. Does your child...
  • become upset – or not notice – when his hands, face, or clothing are messy with substances such as paint, glue, food, and sand?

  • become anxious – or crave – walking barefoot on surfaces such as grass, sand, carpet, or linoleum (or even walk on his toes to minimize skin contact)?

  • fuss excessively when it's time to get dressed, complaining that clothing is uncomfortable?

  • avoid being touched, especially unexpectedly or by unfamiliar people – or constantly seek out physical contact?

  • feel pain more or less intensely than others?

  • strongly dislike grooming activities such as brushing teeth, having hair washed, or nails cut?

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