First, find out if the school has tested your son for achievement and learning abilities. Do they know if he has a learning disability and does he need help in learning good study skills? If he needs to be tested, insist on it. Based on his abilities, work with the counselor in planning the best teachers and classes for his level. Follow up by attending open house, then meet with his teacher(s) on a regular basis to get him on track.
Also, discuss with the counselor whether the school has any programs or groups that help children make friends and or settle disputes -- programs like ambassador, big brother/sister, mentoring, peer mediation, etc.
Read and learn about how to help your son with his study skills. The counselor may have information in the office that you can use or there may be parenting-skills groups that could help. If neither of these resources are available, check the library or the Internet (this website is a good source) for ways to help your son improve his study habits.