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I am a 33-year-old father of four children and would like to become more involved at the school. (My children's education is very important to me.) I asked the principal if I could observe a day in my child's class and was told "no." Please help me in any way you can with information or please lead me in the right direction. Thank you very much.
I don't know any principal proud of his school and his teachers who would refuse a parent a chance to visit the classroom. After all, the best education occurs when we take an intimate look at how our kids are being schooled and join with the teachers in an alliance that produces the best education for our kids. I would ask the principal again if you could observe your child's class and if he denies you again without an explanation that truly makes sense, I would ask to speak to a member of your school committee and/or the president of your PTA or PTO.

School systems I know are always looking for parents to bring their particular skills and talents into the classroom when it can enrich their students educational experience. Be persistent in a cordial way and I'm sure you'll get to be more of a participant in your children's education.

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