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What to Do When Kids Have Trouble Studying

You can help your child learn the most efficient and effective ways to study.

Debrief and revamp

Debriefing Vinny's Study Plan
After a month or six weeks using his personal plan, debrief its efficacy. Debrief and revamp whenever stress blows holes in the process.

  • How can I revise my plan if this one is not working? Conduct a three-step review, first by asking Vinny to think about the assignment he just completed. Did he complete the work in a reasonable amount of time? Was he able to participate in class? Get a good test grade? Ask his opinion about his most successful thinking strategy. Was it thinking out how to budget his time to get to his locker and back to science class in time to submit his paper? Was it a wasted effort to set the kitchen timer when his new bedroom wall clock works better? Debrief his personal learning plan, have him make notes, and transfer his best thinking strategies to his next assignment.

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