Art for Homeschoolers
In this article, you will find:
Comprehensive Art Programs and Online Resources
Comprehensive Art ProgramsMany homechool parents feel they want or need a "how-to-teach" art package or art curriculum. I'm happy to report the problem isn't finding a good art curriculum, it's choosing one from the wonderful selection of art programs available to homeschool families. Here's a sample:
Art Skills (Ages 10 - adult, $49.95, $29.95 & less for additional student sets)
A very successful and popular art program that includes an instruction book, parent curriculum guide, 90 minute videotape, and all the required art and paper supplies.
The Calvert School (Ages 8-13, $130)
A comprehensive program that includes 32 lessons on 6 videocassettes, a parent/teacher guide, and a complete set of art supplies.
Gordon School of Art (Ages 6 to adult, $210)
This highly recommended program includes a teacher manual, video demonstration, and the personal monitoring of student work by trained teachers. Program instructions are broken down into basic, easy-to-follow steps.
Meet the Masters (Ages 4 to 13, $85 - $200)
An attractive program that includes a beautifully done CD-ROM, printed materials, and hands-on projects that teach art history and appreciation. Very detailed and comprehensive.
Online Art
Here are a few resources for parents who want art classes, projects, and ideas at a great price - free!,1156,58-25762,00.html
The National Standards for Arts Education provides a greater understanding of the importance of art in our children's lives: "Arts education benefits the student because it cultivates the whole child, gradually building many kinds of literacy while developing intuition, reasoning, imagination, and dexterity into unique forms of expression and communication. By studying the arts, students stimulate their natural creativity and learn to develop it to meet the needs of a complex and competitive society."
So spread out the newspapers, grab the art supplies, and let your family's creative energy flow. Soon you'll be having so much fun, you'll forget how much you're learning!