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Find the Sound

This decision game asks your little one to locate the sound of a bell, which is hidden under an empty milk carton.

Find the Sound


  • 5 to 10 minutes


  • Masking tape
  • 3 small empty milk cartons
  • 2 kinds of colored contact paper
  • Bell


  1. This is a decision game that your baby will love. Put the bell into a carton and seal all 3 cartons securely with masking tape.
  2. Cover the 2 empty containers with one kind of contact paper and the bell carton with a different kind.
  3. Give your baby the cartons one at a time while shaking them.
  4. When you give the carton with the bell, act surprised and pleased when you hear the sound.
  5. Help your baby learn to pick the one with the bell.


  • Encourage your baby to shake each carton to find the sound.
  • Take away the carton with the bell in it and give your baby only the empty ones. See how long play continues before your baby seeks the noisy one.
  • Ask your baby to give you the one with the bell and keep asking if the wrong one is offered. Applaud successful choices.

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