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A Day in the Life of...

If you had to be a character from The Vile Village, who would you be? Would it be more fun to be the miserable Count Olaf, or one of the brave Baudelaire children?
By: Christine Dvornik

A Day in the Life of...

If you had to be a character from The Vile Village, who would you be? Would it be more fun to be the miserable Count Olaf, or perhaps one of the brave Baudelaire children?

Choose a character and have some fun telling us what a day in your character's life would be like. Take a look at this example and then write your own!

A Day in the Life of Count Olaf

My new book, How I Snatched The Baudelaire Fortune, is coming along smashingly. Between my writing, chasing the Baudelaire fortune, and trying to increase my personal fortune (at the expense of others, of course) I have been a very busy bad man.

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Between years of pandemic disruptions and modern elementary education’s increased dependence on screen time, online learning videos are more popular than ever. Family Education took a closer look, searching for kid-friendly YouTube channels that offered engaging educational content for kids ranging from kindergarten to junior high. Read More

I have been thinking of getting another tattoo, perhaps another eye on my other ankle. I'm hoping this will frighten even more children into surrendering their fortune to me.

Now, write your own!

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