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By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning
School and Learning, By Grade, High School
By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning, Homeschooling
By Kate Wehr
School and Learning, By Grade, Middle School
By Halimeh Salem
  • School and Learning

    This School Readiness Activity provides early literacy thinking experiences for preschool children that will prepare them to do well in the early grades.

  • School and Learning

    Learn how homeschooling families cope when difficulties arise.

  • School and Learning

    The root of many misconceptions about homeschooling is simply a lack of information about homeschooling.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Our expert suggests how to keep a child on-task with his homework.

  • School and Learning

    Find out how a homeschooling family with two or more children can live and learn together.

  • School and Learning

    Having the time to allow children the luxury of "just being children" is just one of the many adbvantages to homeschooling.

  • School and Learning

    This article discusses the three basic approaches to homeschooling.

  • School and Learning

    Nurturing a child's special interests is key to successful homeschooling.

  • School and Learning

    This article discusses how learning is a natural part of everyday life for homeschooled kids. Find out how to best nurture and encourage their drive to learn.

  • School and Learning

    This article provides helpful advice to parents who are new to homeschooling. The author shares her past homeschooling mistakes so that other parents can avoid repeating them.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Our expert offers a number of suggestions to a gifted high-schooler who complains of boredom.

  • School and Learning

    Find the key steps to take to begin the homeschool experience.

  • School and Learning

    Combine children's natural curiosity with a few great resources, and your kids will not only love science, but love learning as well.

  • School and Learning

    Learn why so many families are choosing to homeschool and what you need to know to get started.

  • School and Learning

    Find the crucial issues every homeschooling parent needs to explore.

  • School and Learning

    When your college students come home for the holidays, be prepared for disruption!

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    This article describes the financial options available for parents considering private school.

  • School and Learning
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Parents: put your shopping savvy to work. Scout out the best financial aid opportunities for your child and help narrow the choices for the perfect college.

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