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By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning
School and Learning, By Grade, High School
By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning, Homeschooling
By Kate Wehr
School and Learning, By Grade, Middle School
By Halimeh Salem
  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    There are advocacy groups for learning disabled students and students with ADHD that provide referrals for tutors.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    When your child is experiencing problems in the Resource Room, there are steps you can take.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Our expert recommends an excellent spelling program.

  • School and Learning

    Our expert makes a recommendation for a reading comprehension program.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Learn a number of steps that might make test-taking easier for an anxious child.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    When a child is rushing through her work, the real problem is finding out why.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    It's important to enjoy your child's growing up process and to accept him as he is. Praise his achievements and give him help when he needs it, but don't take responsibility for his deadlines.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    All children are motivated. The real task is to find out what motivates them.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Fearing that a child will fail is normal, but whether or not she does is her choice. The parent's role is to be patient and set good boundaries.

  • School and Learning
    Parental Involvement

    There are important and appropriate steps to take when a child complains of mistreatment by a teacher.

  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    Identify whether your child's inattentiveness to detail is a cause for concern.

  • School and Learning

    Consider all of the expectations on a kindergartner before you decide she has a problem.

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    Understanding what motivates an eight-grader will help them to perform better in school.

  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    When your child pretends that he left his homework at school, his "forgetfulness" may be masking a larger confidence problem.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    Find out how to get help designing specific instructional goals and objectives for your child.

  • School and Learning

    As long as your daughter is enrolled in a public school, even part-time, she must continue to meet that school's specific requirements. The advantages of homeschooling will be nullified.

  • School and Learning

    A teaching degree is not necessary to teach your children. A loving, safe environment with a variety of learning opportunities will provide your kids with everything they need to succeed.

  • School and Learning

    I can answer each of your questions briefly.

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