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By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning
School and Learning, By Grade, High School
By Halimeh Salem
School and Learning, Homeschooling
By Kate Wehr
School and Learning, By Grade, Middle School
By Halimeh Salem
  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    A parent asks whether there is a school in Washington, D.C. that is geared to LD problems.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    When a school refuses to carry out an evaluation, it violates the rights of the parents and the child under the special education laws (IDEA).

  • School and Learning
    Your Child's School

    Before jumping to conclusions, speak to your child's teachers and talk with your child to discover what's at the root of any academic problems.

  • School and Learning

    Retention should be a last resort.

  • School and Learning

    There are many things a parent can do to help a child prepare to enter kindergarten.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    This article offers tips for parents of high school-aged kids with dyslexia.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Tips for parents of elementary-aged kids with dyslexia.

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    This article offers tips for parents of preschoolers with dyslexia.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    How close should high-school teachers get to their students?

  • School and Learning

    Whole-word instruction vs. phonics for reading instruction is discussed in this article.

  • School and Learning
    School Performance

    Learn how to help your child do well on standardized tests.

  • School and Learning

    Deciding to homeschool is a tough decision. Read advice from an expert in this article.

  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    Help your student acquire better study skills.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    How can parents go about identifying the real reasons for their child's difficulties in school?

  • School and Learning
    Learning Styles

    How can you make sure your children get homework that is clearly within their ability range and matched to their preferred learning style?

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

    Read about ways to promote good test scores in every subject.

  • School and Learning
    Study Skills

    A mother asks, "How can I help my son improve his study habits and time management skills?" Great tips from education experts Peggy Gisler and Marge Eberts.

  • School and Learning
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Give your child an assignment any journalist would have envied...

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