Most school cafeterias have a recycling program, but there could be a lot of room for improvement. Student education is an important part of the program. If kids don't know what, where, how, and (perhaps most important)
WHY to recycle, participation can stagnate and recyclables can end up in the regular trash. Communities are recycling more and more materials these days, so check with your local town's recycling service to see what they take, and make sure yours is recycling as much as it can.
Environmental agencies recommend having school-wide "zero waste" or "waste-free" lunch days to reduce trash and get students and staff in a "waste-reduction mindset." Help your school provide students and parents with tips about eliminating packaged lunch items and using reusable lunch boxes and food containers. It's a great activity for Earth Day or any day! Print out the EPA's free "Waste-Free Lunches" poster and guide for your child's school, and check out these other tips for helping schools go green.