Within the environment of a Christian school, we would certainly expect the teachers to foster warm and caring relationships among all the children and to help them learn how to show respect and love towards each other. When your child's teacher shows that she values all her students, they will regard each other positively. Children learn behavior more from their teachers' attitudes than what the teachers tell them to do.
Just like all parents of children entering kindergarten, you sound anxious. Try not to communicate this to your daughter as it may cause her to fear going to school. If you face this experience with confidence, your child will share your confidence. You have the right idea about volunteering and keeping in close contact with the teacher.
There are several things that you can do to make the start of school easier for your child. Read some "starting to school" books with your daughter and play school with her so she will know what to expect. If possible, visit the classroom and have her meet the teacher. It's also a good idea to let her play on the playground before school starts. One of the best ways to help her get off to a good start is to arrange for her to play with one or more of her future classmates. Then on the first day of school, she will feel comfortable in the classroom because she sees familiar faces.
You will find helpful information at these Web sites: National Network for Child Care and the National Association for the Education of Young Children.