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I am 14 years old and would like to get a job and earn my own money without having to depend on my parents. There are many things I would do, like helping out at a stable or cleaning a store after hours, but I can't find a job willing to hire a 14-year-old. I've found some jobs that I would be qualified to do, but none in my area. Many of the job sites I look through are for adults only. I am wondering if you could give me some good websites to look at, or suggest some things I could do to earn money.
Keep looking! You can be a hostess, you can babysit, you can help with someone's aging parent, or you can run errands for people. I suggest creating a flyer about what you are able to do and distributing it in your neighborhood. There are lots of jobs out there for people your age if you're persistent and creative. Don't lose sight of your dream! Writing to me is a very positive first step, and you'll get a job if you persist.

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