Parents can reduce competition between twins by removing unnecessary competition. For example, instead of seeing which twin can count the highest, have the twins count together with you. And when the twins play outside, stress physical activities that are fun for everyone, rather than those that establish one or the other as the fastest runner or highest jumper.
Competition between twins or any siblings lessens when each child feels valued as a unique individual. Each child needs to receive an abundance of affection and to have some special time alone with you doing a favorite activity. Plus, it is more effective to praise young twins for behaving cooperatively rather than chastising them for competing with each other.
Besides talking to the teacher about your children, you should visit their classroom to see firsthand how they are behaving. If their teacher and/or classmates are constantly comparing your sons, it will cause them to become more competitive. After observing the level of competition between the twins in the classroom, you may wish to discuss with the teacher the possibility of placing them in different classrooms. While most twins in preschool benefit from the social support they give each other, the same classroom does not work for all twins.
You can find out more about raising twins and their special needs online. Visit such websites as National Organization of Mothers of Twin Clubs, Inc. and Twins Magazine.