Showing 3176 results found for Why Preteens Do What They Do:
Button Picture Frame
Need picture frames for all those photos you have floating around the house? Here's a frame you can make with your kids! read more
Build an Edible Bridge
This arts & crafts activity teaches kids how to build bridges using just a few marshmallows, some toothpicks, and a lot of imagination! read more
Amazing, Bending Wood
Become an expert craftsman with your child -- learn how wood bends and make art at the same time! read more
Natural Art!
Go for a walk with your kids and gather up some leaves. Then follow these directions and make a masterpiece! read more
Winter Sun Catcher
Even though it's winter, you're sure to catch some great rays with this indoor arts and crafts activity. read more
Rebecca Minkoff Features Working, Breastfeeding Moms at NYFW
Rebecca Minkoff is a mother, wife, designer, business woman, and all around boss. Her most recent success? Featuring a breastfeeding model, Mara Marti... read more
Collect a Sentence
Rev up your minds while you travel! This activity will turn your road trips into a word-enriched learning experience as you create silly sentences tog... read more
Our Predictions for the Top Baby Name Trends of 2023
What will be the most popular baby names of 2023? We predict the top baby name trends for girls and popular name trends for boys in 2023 using data fr... read more
Easy to Implement Tips and Tricks for the Working Mom
If you are a full-time working mom, we see you, we hear you, and this list of tips and tricks is for you read more
Is "Pregnancy Brain" Real?
Pregnancy brain is not only real, but it can stick around for quite some time after a woman gives birth. read more
Is My Preschooler Telling the Truth About Teacher Bullying?
How do you react when your child says their teacher is bullying them at preschool? We've got the answers in the form of a step-by-step guide. read more