Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety for High-Schoolers
Help your teenager overcome anxiety about school. read more
Showing 1555 results found for Your Child's Performance in School:
Help your teenager overcome anxiety about school. read more
Find out how you can make this an easy transition for your child. read more
These tips can help calm your child's nerves, and make the transition from home to school a little easier. read more
Find out what to look for in an after-school program. read more
What's all the talk about ed reform? Take our quiz and find out how much you really know! read more
A parent wonders whether sending his child to a private school will confer some sort of advantage in getting into college. read more
Understand the advantages and disadvantages of single-sex classrooms. read more
Students who need extra attention can get lost in the crowd of a large class. read more
Class sizes and student/faculty ratio are significant, as is the amount of money the community spends per student for education. read more
Something is wrong when a child starts having stomach pains in response to the stress of schoolwork. read more
This Valentine's Day, share this story with your child to help you talk about rejection and hurt feelings. read more
If you have stepparent outsider syndrome or are struggling to bond with your stepkids, use these tips to feel more included in your new blended family... read more
Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning.