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Summer Jobs for Teens: Assessing the Options

Help your teen land that perfect summer job with these tips.
Updated: December 1, 2022

In this article, you will find:

Five Steps to Summer Success
Creating a Resume

Creating a Resume

Here's a sample resume and instructions to help you to write your own.

Frank Benjamin
1776 Independence Avenue
Freedom, PA 17776
(717) 555-6789

Objective: To use my interests and skills in graphic communications, desktop publishing, and computers in an Internet company.

Education: Freedom High School, member of the class of 2001

Employment: Mowing crew member, Green Valley Lawn Service (Summers, 1998 & 1999)

Related work and volunteer experiences:

  • Sales clerk, Freedom Plaza (Holiday season - 1999)
  • Volunteer, Heritage Community Hospital (1998-present)
  • Referee, Freedom Community Soccer League (1998)

Special talents and skills:

  • Website creator
  • Microsoft Office
  • Desktop publishing

Honors and awards:

  • Freedom High School honor roll (Sophomore and junior years)
  • Student council representative (Junior year)
  • Science Fair (Third place, Environmental Sciences division) 1999


  • Varsity soccer and lacrosse teams
  • Photography
  • Golf

References Available upon Request Student Resume Template Below you will find instructions on the core information a high school student should convey in a resume. Employers read dozens -- sometimes hundreds -- of resumes from applicants. Do everything you can to make yours "reader friendly" and make it stand out from the rest of the pile.

The four basic rules of resumes are:

1. Provide enough information to create a true profile of yourself.
2. Use the least number of words to describe your background. Employers don't have a lot of time to read resumes.
3. Be assertive and positive without being boastful.
4. Personalize each resume you send out by changing the objective to reflect what you'd like to do for the individual businesses or organizations you're interested in.

Put your full name at the top of the resume and provide your full address, telephone number, and email if applicable.

Objective: State your main goal in seeking employment with the company you are sending your resume to.

Education: Identify your school and student status.

Employment: List in chronological order (starting with the most recent first), your primary employment experiences to date.

Related work and volunteer experiences: List in chronological order any other part-time, summer, or volunteer experiences that you have under your belt.

Special talents and skills: List any specific talents or skills you've acquired that might be useful to an employer.

Honors and awards: Identify any special recognition you've received for academic, athletic, or other related activities.

Activities: List two to four things that you do for enjoyment or pleasure. These might be personal (e.g, reading, cooking, etc.) or school, community or church/synagogue related.

References: If requested, list two to three individuals (name, company, address, phone or email) who can speak favorably about you. Just make sure it's OK with them before you submit their names to a prospective employer. You want your references to be prepared to give you the best recommendation they can -- and no one likes to be caught off-guard.

Just follow these steps and you'll be on your way to an awesome new summer job.Good luck!

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