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Do you have any info on children who suffer from separation anxiety at age nine? I can't keep my daughter in school because she's so emotionally distraught. Also, do you know of any organizations who help single parents to relocate. We just moved to Florida from California and want to go back home. Need help!!
I would have to know about the circumstances surrounding your daughter's and your family's life to offer any observations about your daughter's separation anxiety. From your brief description of your current situation, I would ask you to consider what has occurred recently that would produce any sense of fear and uncertainty in your daughter. Your moving to Florida and then desiring to return post haste to California suggest an unsettled family status. Your daughter's desperate need to remain physically with you at all times needs professional attention if it continues unabated. She can't be allowed to remain that fearful on a day to day basis.

I would begin your search for assistance in relocating with whatever single parent support groups exist in your area; organizations like Parents without Partners would be a good networking beginning. I hope you and your daughter find the secure environment and lifestyle you need very soon.

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