Many parents are choosing to stray away from traditional names and are opting for more unique names for their babies. If you are a true nerd at heart, then you probably already have a list of baby names that contain characters from your favorite shows, anime, or video games that you hold dear to your heart. However, if naming your precious baby boy or baby girl is becoming a bit of a struggle, have no fear! We created a list of the ultimate nerdy baby names so you can let that geeky side of you shine. Here are 75 of the best names that you will recognize if you watch a lot of movies or TV!
More: 35 Star Wars Names for Your Baby
Nerdy Baby Girl Names
- Ada- Daughter to Lord Byron and the first computer programmer to work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine
- Alice- The main character from the popular story Alice in Wonderland
- Arwen- Half-Elven princess from the Lord of the Rings franchise
- Astrid- Old Norse for "super strength," and also a protagonist in the How to Train Your Dragon franchise
- Aurora- The name of the title character Sleeping Beauty
- Blanche- Made popular from the Pokemon franchise, she is the leader of Team Mystic
- Brienne- Comes from Brienne of Tarth of the Game of Thrones series
- Buffy- The main character of the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Carol- You can find Carol Danvers in the Marvel universe as the superhero Captain Marvel
- Deanna- Was made popular by the character Deanna Troi from the Star Trek: The Next Generation series
- Echo- The name of a nymph from Greek mythology, and also a heroine from Joss Whedon's TV show Dollhouse
- Felicity- Come from DC comics, Felicity Smoak is an IT hacker in the Arrow universe
- Fleur- For Harry Potter fans, Fleur Delacour can be found as one of the competitors in the Triwizard Tournament that takes place in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Hermione- Comes from Hermione Granger, the most popular female witch from the Harry Potter series
- Inara- For Firefly and Serenity fans, Inara Serra leases a shuttle and becomes a companion onboard the Serenity
- Jessica- Comes from Marvel character and TV series, Jessica Jones
- Kara- The real name of Supergirl from the DC universe
- Kaylee- A main character from the popular series Firefly and the movie Serenity
- Keiko- Recognizable from Star Trek: The Next Generation as the wife to Miles O'Brien
- Khaleesi- Well-known character from Game of Thrones and also goes by the name Daenerys Targaryen or the "Mother of Dragons"
- Kitana- A lead character from the Mortal Kombat animated series and video games
- Leela- One of the main characters from the Adultswim TV series Futurama
- Leia- The main female character from the original Star Wars trilogy
- Liliana- A necromancer and healer from the popular playing card game Magic: The Gathering
- Lyra- The female protagonist from the popular Pokemon games HeartGold and SoulSilver
- Natasha- Comes from Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow from the Marvel universe
- Ophelia- A character in William Shakespeare's popular play, Hamlet
- Peggy- Comes from Peggy Carter, a member of SHIELD from the Marvel universe
- Primrose- From the Hunger Games series, the younger sister of Katniss Everdeen
- Quinn- The last name of a popular villain from the DC Universe, Harley Quinn
- Ripley- Taken from Ellen Ripley, the female protagonist in the Alien series
- Rose- From Doctor Who, Rose Tyler is one of the doctor's most well-known companions
- Ruby- Comes from the birthstone of Yukihiro Matsumoto, who created the object-oriented scripted language of the same name
- Serenity- The film that was created as a followup to the popular series Firefly, also the ship's name in the series
- Thalia- A character in Percy Jackson and the Olympians who could summon lightning
- Zelda- Comes from the title princess of the popular Nintendo franchise The Legend of Zelda
Nerdy Baby Boy Names
- Albus- Comes from Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster at Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series
- Alistair- You will this name in many fandoms such as Dragon Age, Doctor Who, and Spiderman
- Anakin- The Skywalker Jedi who later becomes Darth Vader in the Star Wars saga
- Ash- Lead character in the Pokemon animated series
- Bjorn- From the series Vikings, the character known as King Bjorn Ironside
- Cassius- A character in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar
- Clark- Alter ego of Superman, Clark Kent
- Dax- A character from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Desmond- A playable character from the Assassin Creed series
- Emmett- From the Back to the Future series, scientist Dr. Emmett Brown
- Ender- The title character from Orson Scott Card's book Ender's Game
- Ganon- A nickname for Ganondorf, a popular character from The Legend of Zelda franchise
- Genji- A playable character from the popular video game Overwatch
- Geordi- Comes from Geordi La Forge, a character from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Harry- The title character from the Harry Potter series
- Issac- For Sir Isaac Newton
- Ivar- Comes from Viking leader Ivar the Boneless
- Jace- A human planeswalker from the card game Magic: The Gathering
- Kai- A supporting character from the series The Legend of Korra
- Kal-El- Superman's birth name
- Kent- The last name of Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent
- Kylo- A character from the newest Star Wars trilogy, Kylo Ren
- Leonard- Comes from Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Spock in the original Star Trek series
- Link- A recurring character in The Legend of Zelda franchise
- Logan- A Scottish Gaelic name that Wolverine uses as his Alias
- Luke- Another member of the Skywalker clan from the Star Wars saga
- Malcolm- Captain of the Serenity from the Firefly series
- Oberon- A paladin from the video game Warframe
- Oliver- The real name of the Green Arrow from the DC Universe, Oliver Queen
- Peeta- A main character from the Hunger Games series
- Ronan- From the Guardians of the Galaxy
- Tobias- A character from Star Wars, Tobias Beckett
- Wesley- From Wasley Crusher, a minor character from Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Xavier- From Charles Xavier or Professor X of the X-Men universe
Gender-Neutral Nerdy Names
- Harley- Popular villain Harley Quinn from the DC Universe
- Joss- Comes from Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy and Firefly
- Kit- After Kit Harrington who stars in Game of Thrones
- River- After River Song, a character from Doctor Who
- Rory- For Gilmore Girls fans, after Rory Gilmore
For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:
- Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S.
- Top 1000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S.
- The 100 Coolest Baby Names in the World
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