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Charise Rohm Nulsen

Award-winning Parenting and Lifestyle Author

Charise Rohm Nulsen headshot

About Charise

Charise is a Travel Planner and founder of Experience the Dream Travel, specializing in family and Disney holidays. She has also worked as a freelance writer, founding the blog ‘’ where Charise wrote about subjects such as motherhood, green and natural living, and health and fitness. The blog won several accolades for being a top green living blog, as well as winning BlogHer Voices of the Year Award in 2012. In addition to having a degree in English Language and Literature, Charise has trained as a teacher, and has worked as an English, Writing, and Special Needs teacher in schools across Massachusetts.

Background and Experience

  • BA, English Language and Literature, General, Boston College, cum laude
  • M.A.T., English/Language Arts Teacher Education, Boston University

FamilyEducation Area of Expertise

Charise is Family Education's lead travel writer focusing on family vacation planning and traveling with children.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Holidays, Kwanzaa

    Celebrate Kwanzaa with your child and a great book. You can learn about the celebration of Kwanzaa while enjoying stories that are simply fun.

  • Family Life, Family Relationships, Family History and Geneaology

    Should your baby take your last name? Your partners? A combination of the two? A family name you've created? We've weighed out the pros and cons of each option so you can make the most informed choice.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Gift Ideas

    Having a big family can mean more excitement and merriment throughout the holidays, but it can also make a Christmas gift exchange problematic in some ways. Here are out top solutions for gift exchange ideas for big families.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Gift Ideas

    We consulted with kids and parents to get the lowdown on what you need to know to choose the best gifts for 11 year old boys and girls.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Holidays, Christmas

    Having a minimalist Christmas with kids can seem impossible. Between all of the gift-giving traditions, baking, decorations, and more, it can all be overwhelming. One parent shares her top tips for having a minimalist Christmas with kids.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Holidays, Christmas

    Is Santa real? You can use these five Santa trackers this Christmas to answer the question and explore his whereabouts and travels.

  • Teens, Teen Health, Teen Mental Health

    Positive affirmations are a recent trend and tool that are really helpful for social emotional development in kids. Affirmations are a powerful tool to help our children grow into their identity.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Holidays, Christmas

    Not sure how to break the news to your kid about Santa? We have advice on how and when to approach the subject, and phrases to use to make the experience less painful and keep the magic of Christmas alive.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Holidays, Hanukkah

    So you have eight nights of gift giving to contend with and don't even know where to begin? Here are our top gift ideas in a Hanukkah gift guide for this year.

  • Pregnancy, Pregnancy Health

    If you've recently taken an at-home DNA test, you may have come cross the MTHFR gene. Genetics expert Dana Bressette explains what it is, how to test for it, and how it can impact pregnancy.

  • Family Life, Family Relationships, Family History and Geneaology

    With all of the things you have on your plate daily as a parent, it can be hard to find the time for anything extra like genealogy and family tree research. Use Thanksgiving as the perfect opportunity to satisfy your craving for knowledge about your family's history, origins, and genealogy with these five ideas that will even get the kids excited.

  • Family Life, Work

    How does Boston City Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George manage her full-time career as a politician, a small business, and being a mom to four boys? She lets FamilyEducation in on her biggest time-management hack.

  • Toddlers, Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Do you know the signs when your child is about to have a temper tantrum? Here's how to predict and stop a temper tantrum before it even happens.

  • Teens, Teen Health

    With all of the pressure on teens today, it is important as parents to encourage our teens to take a break and destress for both their social and emotional health. Here are five things teens can do to take a real break.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Being Online

    Have you heard your teen use the term VSCO? Here's what it means and how teens use it.

  • Entertainment and Activities, Holidays, Halloween

    We’ve got 10 creative trunk or treating ideas for you to try! Happy trunk or treating!

  • Family Life, Family Relationships, Family History and Geneaology

    Whether you're fascinated by family history, just starting to dive into your family tree, or an expert genealogist. These are the top genealogy podcasts for you.

  • Family Life, Family Relationships, Family History and Geneaology

    All children need to know that they are part of a narrative bigger than themselves. Here's how to discuss your family history and narrative with your kids, what to tell them, what to leave out, and how to reinforce it.

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