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  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Your new baby doesn't have to break the bank. Learn how to be fiscally responsible in planning for your children and yourself.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    It is never too early to teach your child about the importance of good dental hygiene.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    It's the controversy that just won't die: How safe is your baby's bottle? Read on to cut through the hype.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Do you have stroller envy? Browse some of the most popular stroller models on the market and find out why parents can't get enough of them.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Learn how to help your preschooler care for her "baby teeth" and develop good dental care habits.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby
    By Dr. Taoheed Jimoh

    An experienced dentist shares how you can make the teething stage more comfortable for your toddler.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Learn how to properly care for your baby's new teeth.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Find tips to keep traveling pleasant for you, your baby, and others.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Learn what you should pack and what you can rent when traveling with your baby.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Learn about the special benefits of infant massage, and how to do it.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Find tips for keeping your baby comfortable while teething.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Find helpful tips for soothing your crying baby.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Read about all the reasons babies cry, and get tips on how to soothe them.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Keep your baby safe when she sleeps, by following these tips on cribs, bassinets, and beds.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Make this creature of the deep for your child, and bath time will be a lot more fun.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    The first tooth usually erupts (come through the gums) between 5 to 7 months, although it can be as early as 3 months and as late as 15 months. At 11 months of age, you need not worry that your nephew has not cut any teeth.

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    A mother asks whether there is no link between immunizations and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

  • Babies
    Caring for Your Baby

    Prevnar (PCV7) is approved for routine administration to all children less than two years of age, beginning at two months of age.

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