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100 Names That Mean Peace for Your Baby

If you're keen to give your baby a name that's associated with peace and tranquility, you'll love this list of 100 boy, girl, and gender-neutral names.

Updated: March 5, 2024
Names that Mean Peace
Updated: March 5, 2024

When looking for baby name inspiration, peace is a lovely word to start with. It conjures up a sense of calm, serenity, love, togetherness, and tranquility. Your baby can bring peace to your life, your family, and one day, the world (maybe!).

There are many ways to represent peace in different languages, cultures, and religions. Here are some of our favorites to start you off on your journey to find the ideal peace-inspired name. Check out our list of girl names and boy names below.

Related: 75 Spiritual Names with Deep Meanings

Baby Girl Names That Mean Peace

Embark on a journey of tranquility with our curated list of baby girl names that symbolize peace. These names, imbued with a peaceful aura, are perfect for your little princess.

  1. Aarvi - This Indian name is popular in the Hindu religion and simply means "peace."
  2. Akudo - Of Nigerian origin, Akudo means "peaceful wealth."
  3. Alafia - Another Nigerian name, this one means exactly "peace."
  4. Alanna - This Gaelic name means "serenity."
  5. Amandeep - This Hindu name means "lamp of peace."
  6. An - Of Chinese origin, this super short name means "peace."
  7. Aquene - This Native American name means "peace" and would be unique for a little girl.
  8. Dove - This American name is the bird of peace and would make a beautiful name for a little one.
  9. Erin - This Irish name means "peace."
  10. Evania - With both Spanish and Greek origins, this name means "peace."
  11. Frederica - This is the feminine version of the Greek name Frederick, which means "peaceful ruler."
  12. Freida - This Old German name means "peace and joy."
  13. Frida - This Scandinavian name means "peaceful."
  14. Galene - This Greek name means "calm", another representation of peace.
  15. Inga - This Scandinavian name means "guarded by Ing", the Norse god of peace.
  16. Irena - This is the Russian version of Irene. Irena is also the Greek goddess of peace.
  17. Irene - A take on Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace.
  18. Jemima - This Hebrew name means "dove", the bird of peace.
  19. Kazu - This Japanese name means "harmony and peace."
  20. Lana - This Hawaiian name means "calm as still waters", a nice symbol of peace.
  21. Mira - Derived from eastern Europe, meaning "peaceful ocean.
  22. Mirembe - Of Ugandan origins, Mirembe means "woman of peace."
  23. Olive - The olive branch and olive tree are classic symbols that mean peace, making Olive a nice choice for a name meaning "peace."
  24. Olivia - A more feminine take on Olive and still representing "peace."
  25. Paccia - This Latin name means "peace."
  26. Paloma - This Latin name means "dove" or "peaceful."
  27. Quibilah - This Egyptian name means "peaceful."
  28. Salma - This Egyptian name means "she who brings peace."
  29. Salome - This is a feminine version of the Hebrew word Shalom, which means "peace."
  30. Serena - This Latin name is derived from the word serēnus, which means "clear, tranquil, and serene", the picture of peace.
  31. Shanti - This name is derived from the Sanskrit word Shanit, which means "peace."
  32. Tullia - This Irish name means "peaceful."
  33. Wilfreda - Of English origins, this name means "purposeful peace."
  34. Winifred - This Welsh name means "blessed peacemaker", and would be adorable when used as Winnie for short.
  35. Zuelia - This Persian name means "brilliant and peace."
  36. Zulema - This Hebrew name means "peace."
  37. Zuma - This Arabic name means "peace."

Baby Boy Names That Mean Peace

Dive into a selection of baby boy names resonating with peace and serenity. These strong yet gentle names are ideal for your little warrior of harmony.

  1. Aang - Of Chinese origin, this name means "peaceful soaring."
  2. Aarav - This Hindi name means "peaceful."
  3. Aaru - This Egyptian name means "peaceful."
  4. Absalom - This biblical name means "father of peace."
  5. Axel - This Scandinavian name means "my father is peace."
  6. Baris - This Turkish name means "peace."
  7. Bohumir - This Czech name means "peaceful world."
  8. Callum - This Scottish Gaelic name means "dove", the classic bird of peace.
  9. Casimir - This Polish name means "bringer of peace."
  10. Colm - This Irish name means "dove", the classic bird of peace.
  11. Colvyr - This English name means "dove", the classic bird of peace.
  12. Frederick - This German name means "peaceful ruler."
  13. Frieden - This German name means "peace."
  14. Fritz - A great nickname for Frederick, German for "a peaceful ruler."
  15. Galen - This Greek name means "calm", a nice representation of a peaceful demeanor.
  16. Giotto - This Italian name means "pledge of peace."
  17. Heddwyn - This Welsh name means "fair peace."
  18. Humphrey - This English name means "peaceful warrior."
  19. Imhotep - This Egyptian name means "he comes in peace," a unique choice when looking for baby names.
  20. Ireneaus - This Spanish name means "peace."
  21. Jeff - Of English origin, Jeff means "god of peace."
  22. Jonah - This Hebrew name means "dove", the classic bird of peace.
  23. Kazuki - Of Japanese origin, this name means "hope of peace."
  24. Kynaston - This English name means "royal peace settlement", a stately name for a little boy.
  25. Luam - This African name means "peaceful and calm."
  26. Manfred - This German name means "man of peace."
  27. Mirko - This Slavic name means the "peaceful one."
  28. Miro - This Slavic name means "peace."
  29. Miroslav - This Slavic name means "glory and peace."
  30. Noah - This Hebrew name means "peaceful rest."
  31. Oliver - Derived from the Latin and French words for olive or olive tree, classic symbols of peace.
  32. Paciano - This Spanish name means "peace."
  33. Paxton - This Latin name means "peaceful settlement or peace town."
  34. Paz - This Spanish name means "peace", it would make a nice middle name.
  35. Placido - This Italian name means "peaceful and serene", it would make a unique middle name.
  36. Rongo - This is the Maori god of food and peace.
  37. Saladin - This Arabic name means "peace through faith."
  38. Sheehan - This Irish name has origins in peace.
  39. Siegfried - This German name means "peace", it would make a unique name that can also be shortened to Ziggy.
  40. Solomon - This Biblical name has Hebrew origins and means "peace."
  41. Stellan - This Scandinavian name means "calm", "peace", or "at rest."
  42. Udoka - This Nigerian name means "peace is great."
  43. Wilfred - This Old English name means "desiring peace."
  44. Zalam - The Hebrew version of Solomon, which means "peace."

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Peace

Explore a diverse range of gender-neutral names that encapsulate the essence of peace. Perfect for any child, these names exude a calming presence and universal appeal.

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Referencing nature when choosing baby names is a popular choice, and various names that mean water can certainly be inspiring. Water is one of the most important components for sustaining life and is worshipped in many cultures. Water names can be calm, cool, strong, and life-giving.  Read More

  1. Aman - This Hindu name means "peace."
  2. Amani - This name is of Indian and Arabic origins and means "peace", "faith", and "wishes."
  3. Bem - This African name means "peace."
  4. Cheydan - This Afghan name is popular in the Muslim religion and means "peaceful and patient."
  5. Columba - This is a Latin word for "dove", the bird of peace.
  6. Eir - Of Norse origins, Eir means "peaceful and merciful."
  7. Fen - This English name means "peace."
  8. Irie - This Jamaican name means "peace and harmony."
  9. Kazumi - This Japanese name means "harmony, peace, and beauty."
  10. Kazuya - This Japanese name means "peace, harmony, and calm."
  11. Maluhia - This Hawaiian name means "peace and serenity."
  12. Noe - This Spanish name indicates "rest and peace" and is pronounced like Zoe.
  13. Peace - Of English origin, using Peace directly, would make a nice middle name.
  14. Pax - This Latin name means "peace", also based on the Roman goddess of peace.
  15. Sheehan - This Celtic name means "peacemaker."
  16. Shiloh - This Hebrew name refers to a place in the Bible, and means "peace", and is a quite popular name for both genders.
  17. Tully - This Irish name means "peaceable" or "quiet."
  18. Xola - This African name means "to stay in peace."
  19. Xolani - Another African name meaning "peace."

Names Which Mean Peace

One profound way to imbue a sense of tranquility and harmony into a child's life is by choosing a name that means "peace." Names like Serena, meaning "tranquil" or "serene", and Frederick, implying a "peaceful ruler", are classic examples. Other beautiful options include Irene, deriving from the Greek goddess of peace, and Oliver, signifying an olive tree, a universal symbol of peace. Each of these names carries a gentle reminder of calm and peace, offering a meaningful identity to carry through life.

For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:

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Jennifer Caffelle

About Jennifer

Jennifer is currently working for a US-wide health care system, and has worked… Read more

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