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151 Virtue Names for Girls from Traditional to Modern

These virtue names for girls work as modern baby names or traditional virtue names for your baby girl.
151 Virtue Names for Girls
Updated: December 19, 2022

When choosing a name for your precious baby girl, you are creating a part of her identity. This will serve as a representation of her being, making virtue names a superb choice. Most parents hope that their children embody good and virtuous qualities which is why many of these names were popular amongst Puritans and religious individuals throughout history.

If you are looking for first and middle names that exude high moral standards, look no further than this list of baby girl names that circle around virtue!

Related: 75 Spiritual Names with Deep Meanings

Traditional and Puritan Virtue Names for Girls

Puritan Virtue Names

Virtue names first became popular amongst the American Puritans in the 1590s who believed them someone’s name could embody their character and spirit. Puritanical virtue names for girls often represented spiritual qualities of kindness, modesty, loyalty, and faith. Here are some traditional virtue names popular with Puritan girls and with many parents today!

  1. Abijah — A Hebrew name meaning “God is my father”.
  2. Adaya — A Hebrew name meaning “God’s jewel”.
  3. Amayah — A Hebrew name meaning “close to God”.
  4. Angela — A Greek and Italian name meaning “heavenly messenger”.
  5. Angelina — A Greek name meaning “heavenly messenger”.
  6. Ariana — A Greek name meaning “holy”.
  7. Ariel — A Hebrew name meaning “lion of God”.
  8. Asa — A Hebrew name meaning “healer”.
  9. Athaliah — A biblical name meaning “the time of the Lord”.
  10. Bethel — A Hebrew name meaning “house of mercy”.
  11. Betla — A Scandinavian name meaning “a woman who finds God in her oath”.
  12. Caris — A Welsh name meaning “grace of God”.
  13. Celeste — A Latin name meaning “heavenly”.
  14. Charity — A Latin name meaning “loving” or “benevolent”.
  15. Chastity — A Latin name meaning “purity” or “innocence”.
  16. Ciel — A French name meaning “from heaven”.
  17. Dinah — A Hebrew name meaning “judgment”.
  18. Elisha — A French name meaning “consecrated by God”.
  19. Elisheva — A Hebrew name meaning “devoted to God”.
  20. Elizabeth — A Hebrew name meaning “God's oath”, “dedicated”, or “consecrated to God”.
  21. Ellis — A Hebrew name meaning “the Lord is God”.
  22. Elsa — A Hebrew name meaning “consecrated by God”.
  23. Evanna — A Greek name for “God is gracious”.
  24. Faith — A Latin name meaning “trust”.
  25. Gabriella — A Spanish and Italian name meaning “God is my strength”.
  26. Grace — A Latin name meaning “graceful” or “blessing”.
  27. Hannah — A Hebrew name meaning “gift of God's favor”, “God is merciful”, or “graceful one”.
  28. Hodiah — A biblical name meaning “majesty of God”.
  29. Hope — An Old English name meaning “faith” or “desire of fulfillment”.
  30. Hosanna — A Hebrew name meaning “praise”.
  31. Iman — A Muslim name meaning “faith” or “belief”.
  32. Ivanka — A Hebrew name meaning “God is gracious”.
  33. Jane — Another Hebrew name meaning “God is gracious”.
  34. Janet — Another Hebrew name meaning “God is gracious”.
  35. Joanna — Another Hebrew name meaning “God is gracious”.
  36. Judith — A Hebrew name meaning “praised”.
  37. Mattea — A Hebrew name meaning “gift of God”.
  38. Mehitabel — A Hebrew name meaning “God is our joy”.
  39. Mishu — An Indian name meaning “a faithful or honest person”.
  40. Moriah — A Hebrew name meaning “my teacher is my God”.
  41. Neriah — A Hebrew name meaning “lamp of God” or “angel”.
  42. Pastora — A Spanish name meaning “shepherdess”.
  43. Raphaela — A Hebrew name meaning “God has healed”.
  44. Setia — An Indonesian name meaning “truth” or “faithfulness”.
  45. Shiloh — A Hebrew name meaning “peaceful”.
  46. Thea — A Greek name meaning “healer”.
  47. Trinity — A Latin name meaning “triad” or “the holy three — The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit”.
  48. Zyana — A Hebrew name meaning “blessing from heaven”.

Modern Virtue Names for Girls from A-B

Modern Virtue Names for Girls

75 Patriotic Baby Names

If you are proud to be an American, or if you most look forward to the fourth of July, why not choose a patriotic name for your newborn baby? There is no better way to honor our Founding Fathers than to choose the perfect name that also has significant meaning to our country. Read More

These more unique and modern names still represent traditional values, but are less common than well-known virtue names like “Grace” and Chastity.” If you want to put a modern twist on a classic girl name, here our some of our favorite options.

  1. Ada — A Hebrew name meaning “adorned” or “noble at birth”.
  2. Adele — A German and Old English name meaning “noble”.
  3. Adeline — A German name meaning “noble kind”.
  4. Adla — A Swahili name meaning “justice”.
  5. Afaf — A Muslim girl name meaning “chaste” or “pure”.
  6. Agatha — A Greek name meaning “good”.
  7. Alberta — A German name meaning “noble”.
  8. Alessandra — A Greek name meaning “defender of mankind”.
  9. Alethea — A Greek name meaning “truthful one” or “healer”.
  10. Alicia — A German name meaning “noble” and a Greek name meaning “truth”.
  11. Alise — Another German name meaning “noble” and a Greek name meaning “truth”.
  12. Allison — Another German name meaning “noble” and a Greek name meaning “truth”.
  13. Alyssa — Another German name meaning “noble” and a Greek name meaning “truth”.
  14. Ameena — An Arabic name meaning “trustworthy”.
  15. Amity — A Latin name meaning “beloved” or “friendly”.
  16. Anna — A Dutch name meaning “bringer of peace” or “hope”.
  17. Annika — A German and Russian name meaning “gracious”.
  18. Anya — A Hebrew name meaning “a gift of God’s favor”.
  19. Areta — A Greek name meaning “virtuous”.
  20. Arette — Another Greek name meaning “virtuous”.
  21. Aretha — Another Greek name meaning “virtuous”.
  22. Arwen — An English name meaning “noble”, “royal”, or “muse”.
  23. Audrey — An Old English name meaning “noble strength”.
  24. Bai — A Chinese name meaning “pure”.
  25. Bhavika — An Indian name meaning “righteous” or “honest”.
  26. Bliss — An Old English name meaning “joyous”.
  27. Blythe — Another Old English name meaning “joyous”.
  28. Brianna — An Irish name meaning “resolute” or “strong”.

Modern Virtue Names for Girls from C-K

  1. Caron — A Welsh name meaning “loving” or “kind” and a French and Greek name meaning “pure”.
  2. Catherine — A Greek name meaning “pure”.
  3. Charlie — An Italian name meaning “valiant” or “strong”. This common baby boy name has become a popular nickname for girls named Charlotte or Charlene, but it can also be a strong first name for your little tomboy.
  4. Clementine — A Latin and Polish name meaning “mild” or “giving mercy”.
  5. Comfort — A Latin name meaning “strengthen”.
  6. Constance — A Latin name meaning “faithful” or “loyal”.
  7. Creed — A Latin name meaning “belief”.
  8. Dayaa — A Hindi name meaning “compassion”.
  9. Dharma — A Hindi name meaning “the ultimate law of things”.
  10. Ebele — An African name meaning “mercy” or “kindness”.
  11. Evangeline — A Greek name meaning “messenger of good news”.
  12. Fadilah — A Muslim name meaning “virtuous”.
  13. Frida — A Spanish name meaning “peaceful ruler”.
  14. Gita — A Hebrew name meaning “good”.
  15. Harmony — A Greek name meaning “harmony”.
  16. Heidi — A German name meaning “noble” or “serene”.
  17. Honor — A Latin name meaning “dignified”.
  18. Hope — An Old English word name meaning “faith” or “desire of fulfillment”. This was a common name among the Puritans.
  19. Jemima — A Hebrew name meaning “dove”.
  20. Joy — A Latin name meaning “rejoice”.
  21. Kandake — A Greek name meaning “pure” or “sincere”.
  22. Karesa — A Greek name meaning “full of grace and kindness”.

Modern Virtue Names for Girls

Modern Virtue Names for Girls from L-P

  1. Latifa — A North African name meaning “gentle” or “pleasant”.
  2. Lavera — A Slavic name meaning “truth” or “faith”.
  3. Layna — A Greek name meaning “light” or “truth”.
  4. Leola — A Latin name meaning “lion”. This animal is a symbol of strength, courage, and justice, which are all virtuous qualities.
  5. Maho — A Japanese name meaning “truth”.
  6. Mehar — An Indian name meaning “kindness”.
  7. Mercy — A Middle English name meaning “merciful” or “compassionate”.
  8. Meredith — An Old Welsh name meaning “protector of the sea”.
  9. Merida — A Latin name meaning “one who has achieved a high honor”.
  10. Mira — A Hebrew name meaning “light”.
  11. Modesty — A Latin name meaning “modest one”.
  12. Mona — An Arabic name meaning “peaceful” and an Irish name meaning “noble”.
  13. Ninette — A Spanish and Hebrew name meaning “grace”.
  14. Noble — A Latin name meaning “honorable one”.
  15. Noreena — An Irish name meaning “light” or “honor”.
  16. Olivia — An Old French name meaning “peace”. This trendy name has been on the Social Security Administration’s top ten baby names list since 2001.
  17. Omya — A Hindu name meaning “help” or “kindness”.
  18. Patience — An English name meaning “patience”.
  19. Patricia — An English name meaning “noble”.
  20. Patsy — Another English name meaning “noble”.
  21. Pax — A Latin name meaning “peace”.
  22. Prudence — A Latin name meaning “foresight”.

Modern Virtue Names for Girls from Q-Z

  1. Reverie — A French unisex name meaning “daydream”.
  2. Ritika — An Indian name meaning “of truth”.
  3. Rukhi — A Muslim name meaning “kind of own heart”.
  4. Ruth — A Hebrew name meaning “compassionate friend”.
  5. Sage — A French, English, and Latin name meaning “wise one” or “prophet”.
  6. Salome — A Hebrew name meaning “peace”.
  7. Sandra — A Greek name meaning “helper and defender of mankind”.
  8. Serenity — An English name meaning “peaceful disposition”.
  9. Shina — A Japanese name meaning “virtue” or “good”.
  10. Sincerity — An American name meaning “truthful” or “open”.
  11. Sophia — A Greek name meaning “wisdom”.
  12. Temperance — A Latin name meaning “moderate”.
  13. Tova — A Hebrew name meaning “good”.
  14. Tricia — An English name meaning “noble”.
  15. Trina — A Greek name meaning “pure”.
  16. True — A German name meaning “adored warrior”.
  17. Ventura — A Spanish name for both boys and girls meaning “good fortune”.
  18. Verity — A Latin name meaning “truth”.
  19. Viera — A Slavic name meaning “truth” or “faith”.
  20. Winnie — An English name meaning “friend of peace”.
  21. Zaki — A Hebrew name meaning “one who is pure”.
  22. Zhen — A Chinese name meaning “precious” or “virtuous”.
  23. Zuri — A Swahili name meaning “beautiful”, “good”, or “nice”.

Biblical Virtue Names For Girls

Biblical Virtue Names

Many virtue names are connected to religious practices in Christianity and to the names of famous saints and biblical figures. Here are some names for girls inspired by Christianity, famous saints, and biblical stories.

  1. Agnes — A Greek name meaning “pure”. This is the name of the patron saint of virgins and girl scouts.
  2. Alexandra — An English and Greek name meaning “defender of mankind”. This is the name of the patron saint of humanity.
  3. Bernadette — A French name meaning “brave as a bear”. This is the name of the patron saint of illness and poverty.
  4. Emma — A German name meaning “all-embracing”. Emma is one of the most popular girl names in the United States, remaining in the top five name category in the United States since 2002. It is also the name of a princess known for her work with the poor.
  5. Felicity — A Latin name meaning “fortune”. This is the name of the patron saint of healing.
  6. Inez — A Greek name meaning “pure”. This is the name of the patron saint of chastity, girls, virgins, and rape victims.
  7. Isabella — A Hebrew name meaning “consecrated to God”. This is the name of the patron saint of the sick.
  8. Rebecca — A Hebrew name meaning “to tie” or “to bind”. This is the name of the patron saint of sickness.

For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:

These old-school and modern virtue names for girls are a beautiful testament to your belief in your child’s future character. Check out more of our religious name options and pin this virtue name list for later:

151 Virtue Names for Girls

Heidi Butler

About Heidi

Heidi is an experienced journalist who worked in the television news industry for a decade,… Read more

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