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1. What is the full name of Hogwarts?

2. The train to Hogwarts leaves from

3. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts?

4. What house does Harry Potter live in?

5. Moaning Myrtle lives in

6. Which class has had a different teacher each year?

7. Which one of these was NOT a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts?

8. Besides being the gamekeeper, what does Hagrid teach?

9. The violent tree on the grounds of Hogwarts is known as

10. The motto of Hogwarts, Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus, means?

1. What is the full name of Hogwarts?
The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

2. The train to Hogwarts leaves from
9 3/4

3. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts?

4. What house does Harry Potter live in?

5. Moaning Myrtle lives in
a bathroom

6. Which class has had a different teacher each year?
Defense Against the Dark Arts

7. Which one of these was NOT a teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts?
Professor Sinistra

8. Besides being the gamekeeper, what does Hagrid teach?
Care of Magical Creatures

9. The violent tree on the grounds of Hogwarts is known as
the whomping willow

10. The motto of Hogwarts, Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus, means?
Never tickle a sleeping dragon

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