1. Who is the first to save Wilbur's life?
2. Who buys Wilbur when the pig is about five weeks old?
3. What does Fern say is the capital of Pennsylvania?
4. What is Charlotte's fancy way of saying hello?
5. What is Charlotte's last name?
6. Who is Templeton?
7. What is the first thing Charlotte writes in her web?
8. How many eggs does Charlotte lay?
9. Which is not a word that Charlotte spins in her web?
10. What pig wins the blue ribbon at the fair?
11. Who stays behind at the fairgrounds when everyone else goes home?
12. How many of Charlotte's children stay in the barn with Wilbur?
1. Who is the first to save Wilbur's life?
2. Who buys Wilbur when the pig is about five weeks old?
Homer Zuckerman.
3. What does Fern say is the capital of Pennsylvania?
4. What is Charlotte's fancy way of saying hello?
5. What is Charlotte's last name?
6. Who is Templeton?
A rat.
7. What is the first thing Charlotte writes in her web?
"Some Pig."
8. How many eggs does Charlotte lay?
9. Which is not a word that Charlotte spins in her web?
10. What pig wins the blue ribbon at the fair?
11. Who stays behind at the fairgrounds when everyone else goes home?
12. How many of Charlotte's children stay in the barn with Wilbur?
Good job. You've learned a lot about Wilbur, Fern, and Charlotte.
There are no cobwebs — or spiderwebs — in your head.
You've probably read the book more than once.
You're a Charlotte's Web winner!