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1. In 1958, physicist Willy Higinbotham invented an interactive game played on an oscilloscope. This first "video game" was similar to

2. Atari's first game, Pong (similar to table-tennis), was so named because the name "Ping-Pong" was already copyrighted and

3. In the classic video game Donkey Kong, the hero was originally named Jumpman. Jumpman was later named Mario by members of the Nintendo of America's staff because of his resemblance to who?

4. The founder of Atari, who also founded the nationwide restaurant franchise Chuck E. Cheese, was

5. "Nintendo" is a Japanese word meaning

6. COLECO, the company known for the Colecovision home video system, stands for

7. Incensed by the violence in such games as Mortal Kombat and Night Trap, two senators launched a Senate investigation into video-game violence in 1993. One of these senators was Herbert Kohl of Wisconsin. The other was

8. In 1998, this retail chain banned the sale of more than 50 video games that it considered inappropriate by its own standards

9. Which of the following was the first home video game system sold in the U.S.?

10. Resulting from the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO, this console was released in the U.S. without a light gun

1. In 1958, physicist Willy Higinbotham invented an interactive game played on an oscilloscope. This first "video game" was similar to

2. Atari's first game, Pong (similar to table-tennis), was so named because the name "Ping-Pong" was already copyrighted and
"pong" is the sound the game makes when the ball hits the paddles.

3. In the classic video game Donkey Kong, the hero was originally named Jumpman. Jumpman was later named Mario by members of the Nintendo of America's staff because of his resemblance to who?
Mario Segali, their landolord

4. The founder of Atari, who also founded the nationwide restaurant franchise Chuck E. Cheese, was
Nolan Bushnell

5. "Nintendo" is a Japanese word meaning
"Leave luck to heaven"

6. COLECO, the company known for the Colecovision home video system, stands for
Connecticut Leather Company

7. Incensed by the violence in such games as Mortal Kombat and Night Trap, two senators launched a Senate investigation into video-game violence in 1993. One of these senators was Herbert Kohl of Wisconsin. The other was
Joseph Lieberman (Connecticut)

8. In 1998, this retail chain banned the sale of more than 50 video games that it considered inappropriate by its own standards

9. Which of the following was the first home video game system sold in the U.S.?
Magnavox Odyssey

10. Resulting from the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO, this console was released in the U.S. without a light gun
Sega Dreamcast

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