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1. Which artist painted the famous fresco of The Last Supper that lives in St. Maria dell Grazie in Milan?

2. Who sculpted the giant statue of Moses that stands (or rather sits) in St. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome?

3. Charleton Heston is well known for playing the role of Moses in The Ten Commandments. What other Bible epic did he star in?

4. The movie Easter Parade, starring Fred Astaire and Judy Garland, immortalizes the grand Easter Sunday stroll down what famous street?

5. Which biblical movie was remade 33 years later by the same director?

1. Which artist painted the famous fresco of The Last Supper that lives in St. Maria dell Grazie in Milan?
Leonardo DaVinci.

2. Who sculpted the giant statue of Moses that stands (or rather sits) in St. Pietro in Vincoli, Rome?

3. Charleton Heston is well known for playing the role of Moses in The Ten Commandments. What other Bible epic did he star in?

4. The movie Easter Parade, starring Fred Astaire and Judy Garland, immortalizes the grand Easter Sunday stroll down what famous street?
New York's Fifth Avenue.

5. Which biblical movie was remade 33 years later by the same director?
The Ten Commandments.

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