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  • Family Life

    An expert gives some advice on how to help a three-year-old understand divorce.

  • Family Life
    Custody and Child Support

    A father is disappointed and hurt when his daughter changes her mind about a custody decision.

  • Family Life

    What should you do when your ex doesn't support your wish to test your child for LD? And where can you go for testing?

  • Family Life

    A divorced mother is upset by the behavior of her child after visits with his lenient father.

  • Family Life

    There are a number of books that parents can read about managing children's reaction to divorce.

  • Family Life

    When a couple decide to call it quits, they need to come together on how and what they're going to tell the children.

  • Family Life

    A mother deplores her ex-husband's discipline style, which includes a heavy dose of threats and punishment.

  • Family Life

    Our expert believes that it can have negative effects on kids when either parent dates during the process of divorcing.

  • Family Life

    What should you do when a child never does what he's told?

  • Family Life
    Custody and Child Support

    Should an 11-year-old of divorced parents be able to decide whether or not she wants to visit her father?

  • Family Life

    A mother has tried her best to keep her kids connected with their father, despite his lack of financial support to his family.

  • Family Life

    A woman is advised to initiate a major intervention in order to prevent her ex from damaging her children's mental health.

  • Family Life

    When the former husband's influence has proven to be harmful to his child, there are serious considerations for the mother.

  • Family Life
    Custody and Child Support

    A father who seeks full custody of his son inquires what resources there are to help him present issues of neglect on the part of ex.

  • Family Life
    Custody and Child Support

    What should a divorced mother of two do when her children ask for custody changes?

  • Family Life

    The children of divorced parents can be as secure and happy as any other children, even when they are separated.

  • Family Life

    When divorced parents cease talking together about their kids, they need to put more work into their divorce, for the sake of the kids.

  • Family Life

    Expert says woman has been enabling her ex by constantly making allowances for his irresponsible behavior regarding their daughter.

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