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1. You've just finished a slew of important household chores. You:

2. Do you often feel irritable?

3. Do you worry about the little events of the day, and find that you are unable to shut off your mind?

4. Do you smoke or drink excessively (especially by other people's standards)?

5. Are you competitive and aggressive?

6. Do you find it hard to relate to people?

7. Do you find yourself impatient with others?

8. Do you eat quickly?

9. Do you take on too much?

10. Do you have difficulty delegating?

11. Do you have aching limbs, tense muscles, or recurrent headaches?

12. Do you have a dry mouth and sweaty palms?

13. Do you feel a lack of interest in sex?

14. Do you have problems sleeping?

1. You've just finished a slew of important household chores. You:
Sit down in a chair, but almost immediately stand up again, realizing you left a couple of pieces of paper in the middle of the desk that really should go into the file cabinet.

2. Do you often feel irritable?
Once in a while, but only after a very long day of unusually trying work or activities.

3. Do you worry about the little events of the day, and find that you are unable to shut off your mind?
You sometimes recall something that happened earlier and wish you had handled it differently, but such thoughts are fairly infrequent and don't disturb your moments of peace.

4. Do you smoke or drink excessively (especially by other people's standards)?
You need at least a couple of drinks or a few cigarettes to help you relax after a long day.

5. Are you competitive and aggressive?
A little competition helps give you some energy, but you don't look at every task as a chance to outshine others. It's annoying when someone cuts you off on the highway, but it's nothing to get upset about.

6. Do you find it hard to relate to people?
Sometimes. At those times, you find it easier just to stay home and have some personal time. Relating to others can be tiring after a long day.

7. Do you find yourself impatient with others?
Your family and friends seem on tenterhooks around you. They struggle to keep up with your expectations, and you often have sharp responses for those who don't.

8. Do you eat quickly?
Sometimes. You do tend to be one of the first at the table to finish eating, and you sometimes are done quite a bit before others.

9. Do you take on too much?
You don't seem to be able to say no to others or yourself. Every small undertaking turns into a major project. You never have two minutes to yourself.

10. Do you have difficulty delegating?
Nope. Many hands make light work.

11. Do you have aching limbs, tense muscles, or recurrent headaches?
You keep a constant supply of ibuprofen at hand. The top of your neck feels stiff as a rod, and sometime the pain is so bad that your vision goes black for a moment if you make a sudden movement.

12. Do you have a dry mouth and sweaty palms?
You avoid shaking people's hands or standing too close to anyone. The strongest mints in the world don't help the desert of your oral cavity.

13. Do you feel a lack of interest in sex?
Heck no! Bring it on!

14. Do you have problems sleeping?
You've counted sheep, blessings, and everything else imaginable, but it's not getting you anywhere. Maybe having your partner give you a good whack up-side the head would work....

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