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  • Family Life

    It's normal to feel like you're in a competitive relationship with your mother-in-law. Here's help with working through the tensions.

  • Family Life

    Deciding how to address your in-laws can be tricky. Read these suggestions for help.

  • Family Life

    When you don't know what to call your new in-laws, things can get awkward. Read about some common obstacles to settling this issue.

  • In-Laws
    Family Life

    This quiz will teach you how to interpret body language, a skill that comes in handy when you are meeting with your in-laws!

  • Family Life

    If you're about to be introduced to your prospective in-laws, these tips will help you make a great first impression.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Organize your family time to include crafts.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families
    By Halimeh Salem

    Being a stepparent can make holidays hard. Learn how to make new family traditions, schedules and gifts work in your blended family.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Learn to celebrate the things that have worked in your stepfamily, and continue working on the things that aren't perfect.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Learn the value of having an extended family -- for you, and for your stepchildren.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Read the top ten complaints of stepfathers and biomothers.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Read the top ten complaints of stepmothers and biofathers.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Learn the positive and negative aspects of adopting stepchildren.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Learn the positive and negative aspects of adopting your stepchild.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Learn about policies that allow stepparents to gain authority to care for their stepchildren.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Read how to go about getting help to save your stepfamily from disaster.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    Find tips on dealing effectively with stepfamily problems that may threaten your marriage and your relationship with the children.

  • Family Life
    Blended and Step Families

    These tips can help you deal with a stepchild who has physical or emotional problems.

  • Family Life
    LGBT and Same Sex Parents

    Learn what rights you have as a gay or lesbian stepparent.

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Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning.
