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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life
    Sibling Relationships

    Learn how to prepare your child for the arrival of a new baby. Make sure she has time to get used to the idea.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    It's important to follow safety rules when canning your favorite foods.

  • Family Life

    Read helpful tips on how to cook seafood to perfection on your slow cooker.

  • Family Life

    Find helpful tips on how to cook egg dishes to perfection in slow cookers.

  • Family Life

    Learn about different cooking strategies for preparing meals in slow cookers.

  • Family Life

    Certain cuts of meat work better than others in a slow cooker. Find out which ones are best.

  • Family Life

    Learn ingredient tips for the slow cooker: amount (how much), size (how big) , and bones (how bulky).

  • Family Life

    Find tips for slow cooked meals that are sure to please your party guests.

  • Family Life

    Get a jump on dinner by preparing it in the slow cooker the night before. Read these tips on how to do it.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    Find tips on how to personalize dishes to your taste with a few changes of ingredients and proportions.

  • Family Life

    You have mastered delicious slow cooked dishes. Now find out how to garnish them for the table.

  • Family Life

    Read helpful tips for cooking with cheeses and other dairy products in a slow cooker.

  • Family Life

    Follow these tips for producing perfect beans and pulses from a slow cooker.

  • Family Life

    Some types of fish are more fragile than others. Find tips on how to cook fish in a slow cooker.

  • Family Life

    Read some excellent tips for cooking poultry to perfection in a slow cooker.

  • Family Life

    Certain meats work better than others in slow cookers. Learn which meats are best.

  • Family Life

    Follow the strands of linguini across the plate in this maze, to see which kid gets the meatball.

  • Family Life
    Families and Food

    You want to quickly pack a lunch that's nutritious. Your child wants one that's fun and tastes good. These school lunch ideas are sure to make both of you happy.

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