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By Heidi Butler
Family Life, Family Finances, Understanding Family Finances
Family Life, Family Finances, Household Savings
By Jess Faraday
Family Life, Mom's Corner
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Family Life, Family Relationships
By Brittany McCabe
  • Family Life
    Parenting Issues

    If a family member's behavior is bothering you, come up with a way to fix the situation before things get out of control.

  • Family Life

    Assess your relationship with your mother and mother-in-law, and figure out a way to include them in your life, without feeling burdened.

  • Family Life
    Managing Your Home

    Create a chore list for you and your spouse, and learn how to follow through with your individual responsibilities.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Assess how clean you and your spouse like your home to be, and compromise if necessary to make it a pleasant environment for you both.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Learn about the different needs each spouse has when it comes to having a fulfilling sex life.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    This article advises you and your spouse to plan for sex, just like any other fun activity.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Learn how you and your spouse can improve your sex life together.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Learn to be slow to anger and quick to forgive -- the best way to deal with conflict in a marriage.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Admitting that you made a mistake is the first step toward self-improvement and a better relationship with your spouse.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Learn how to maintain focus when you're arguing with your spouse.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    When your partner suggests a way that you can adjust your behavior to resolve a conflict, repeat the request back to him or her to make sure you understand what your spouse is asking, and give your partner a chance to clarify.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Learn how to resolve conflict with your spouse by telling your partner how the problem makes you feel.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Once you have identified what bothers you about your spouse, figure out how the problem might be fixed and set up a discussion.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    If you set aside time each week to resolve conflicts, problems will never be allowed to fester.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    The "Bother Barometer" is a scale for rating your spouse's annoying behavior. It's helpful for figuring out which issues you need to address with your partner, and which you should ignore.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    It is important to understand what annoys you about your spouse -- and vice versa -- so that you can resolve these grievances effectively.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    These tips will help you to make the most of your time with your spouse.

  • Family Life
    Maintaining a Healthy Marriage

    Create a schedule for you and your spouse to spend quality time together, and make your appointments both mandatory and fun.

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