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Top 10 Arts and Craft Activities

Find creative ways to keep your kids busy with these arts and crafts projects.

Top 10 Arts and Craft Activities

Find creative ways to keep your kids busy with these projects.

1. Magical Butterfly Garden
Celebrate the life of the monarch butterfly by creating these fantasy gardens with your child.

2.  Shoe-print-asaurus
Trace your child's tracks to make his own species of dinosaur!

3.  Wax Paper Window Art
Old crayons, wax paper, and lots of sunlight are all your child needs to create colorful magic!

4.  Amazing, Bending Wood
Have you ever wondered how the wood in your furniture can bend without breaking? Learn how you and your child can become expert craftsmen and bend wood yourselves!

5.  Bubble Art
Are you always telling your kids not to blow bubbles in their drinks and to take their soap bubbles outside? This activity has them blowing like crazy to create amazing pictures for everyone!

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6.  Homemade Pencil Holder
Find out how your child can create her own unique school supplies at home.

7.  Nature Prints
Celebrate Earth Day every day. Start by printing colorful "earth art" with your kids.

8.  Family Message Board
Get on track to go back to school. This craft project will help your child become organized for class.

9.  Eggshall Mosaics
Eggs are good for you -- and they're fun to make art with, too!

10.  The Backyard Volcano
Encourage your children to explore science in their own backyard. Plant a garden, catch butterflies, or better yet, build a live volcano!

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