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10 Tips for Living in Peace with Your Middle-School Child

Living with a middle-schooler can be like walking through a minefield -- one wrong move could set him off. Here are ten ways to effectly handle preteen behavior.

10 Tips for Living in Peace with Your Middle-School Child

American School Counselor AssociationBrought to you by the American School Counselor Association

The explosive preteen

They can be temperamental and unpredictable -- one wrong move could set them off. Living with a preteen can sometimes feel like walking through a minefield. How can you keep the peace and still make sure that homework and chores get done? Here are 10 tips that can help.

  1. Think ahead.

  2. Break down big chores into small parts.

  3. Encourage your middle-schooler to keep a daily list.

  4. Don't hesitate to remind your middle schooler about appointments and due dates.

  5. Be willing to listen, but don't poke or pry.

  6. Be a friend.

  7. Help your child see that all friendships have ups and downs.

  8. When reprimanding, deal only with the precise problem. Don't bring in other issues.

  9. If the issue is minor, keep things light.

  10. Don't use power unless it's urgent.

1) Think ahead
One of our best tools as parents is being prepared. As your son or daughter gets to the middle-school years, get ready for at least occasional conflicts. Think through what's truly important to you. Is your youngster's hairstyle as important as homework? Isn't her curfew more of a concern than crabbiness? Obviously, dawdling is a lot easier to accept than drugs. As these give-and-take situations start, know ahead of time what areas you are and aren't willing to negotiate.

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