Your Parenting Style: Are You An Extreme Parent?

In this article, you will find:
Helicopter Parenting
Helicopter parenting is also known as hyper-parenting or overparenting. Helicopter parents rarely let their children out of sight, but unlike attachment parenting, it isn't to form a strong bond with their child, it's an attempt to prevent any challenges or obstacles in their child's life that they can foresee, therefore "preserving" their childhood.
For example, an extreme helicopter parent might take down a swing set because her child might fall off it and skin a knee. The parent is "foreseeing" a skinned knee and is therefore preventing it by removing the source.
In order to prevent anything bad from happening, helicopter parents spend almost all their time with their child. Proponents argue that spending so much time together allows mother and child to bond and form a close relationship. By having such a close relationship, the parents can then be involved in every aspect of their child's life, therefore always knowing that he is safe.
Many opponents look at it as an extreme form of overprotectiveness. Helicopter parenting is often criticized for being fear-based, and not allowing children to think or act for themselves, resulting in the child losing his sense of independence. Some opponents also believe helicopter parenting can result in the child rebelling down the road.