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Summertime Tips for Kids with LD

Can your child have a fun summer without losing any academic ground? Find out! We've got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Relaxation tips

Relaxation Tips

My child has had a stressful year coping with her learning difficulties at school. What are some tips to help her relax this summer?

Being out of school will be a relaxing change itself. Many times children are very tired and need an opportunity to do very little for a few weeks. Talk with your child about selecting an activity that she would really like to do. Consider visits with family members or friends where there is no pressure to "perform." Also, use the summer to look carefully at what factors are causing that stress and see if something can be changed for next year.

School is hard for my child and she often equates it with failure. What can I do this summer with her free time to make her feel successful?

Academic experiences which do not remind a child of school are often helpful in building self-esteem. The library summer reading program provides a certificate for reading at her level. Hands on learning experiences in museums, science camps, computer camps, and field trips through parks and recreation areas provide enrichment without pressure.

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