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Summertime Tips for Kids with LD

Can your child have a fun summer without losing any academic ground? Find out! We've got the answers to your most pressing questions.

What about camp?

What About Camp?

My child has attentional difficulties that make him a behavior problem. Should I still enroll him in camp? Should I let the counselors know about his problems?

There are camps for children with ADD (CH.A.D.D. has a list). Be sure to consider a camp you know well, so that the director and counselors will be sensitive to the needs of your child-such as medication. The children need a camp which is structured but not too controlling and rigid, with sensitive counselors who are able to avoid conflicts. Children with ADD are often young in their social maturity and may not be as ready for camp as their peers. A child should have several successful experiences before overnight camp is considered.

My child has difficulty making friends in new situations. If she goes to camp, what can I do to help her with peer relations?

Camp may not be the best selection for a child with peer difficulties. Be sure her stay at camp is long enough to have her warm up and settle in. Have her go with a friend if possible. Talk with the counselors ahead of time. Pick a camp that has the types of activities your child can really get involved in--sports, science, or computers perhaps.

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