10 Simple Ways to Make Each Day Seem Longer
Days seem to keep getting shorter. These 10 tips will help extend the length of your day so you can get the most out of it.

10 Simple Ways to Make Each Day Seem Longer
- Set the alarm -- It's oh so obvious, but even ten minutes gained at the start of the day avoids that always-in-a-rush feeling.
- Be tidy -- Don't waste time searching for things. This applies as much to your workplace as your underwear. Become tidier, but not fastidious.
- Do what you do best -- It's okay to be good at some things and bad at others. Try to do what you do best and delegate the rest. You'll achieve more and feel better, too.
- Take breaks -- Paradoxically, the more you stop, the more you get done. The one advantage smokers have is that their habit forces them to take breaks and stand outside in the "fresh" air for a few minutes.
- Don't reply straight away -- If email dominates your life, don't play email ping-pong. In other words, only reply when you need to, not simply because you want to have the final word.
- Contemplate -- When decisions or challenges confront you, close your eyes and contemplate them for a few moments. This helps you avoid the temptation to leap toward the first solution you think of.
- Prioritize -- The time manager's mantra is always to do the most important things first. Remember that it is perfectly acceptable to sometimes make things a priority purely because you enjoy them.
- Avoid distraction -- You know the things that steal your attention. Say no to all but the most appealing interruptions.
- Fill the freezer -- If you like cooking, why not prepare double portions and freeze some for a day when you don't have time to cook but still want to eat well?
- Exercise -- Finding time each day to exercise, even if it's just a walk in the park at lunchtime, will help you achieve more when back at work.