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First trimester weeks

Congrats! During the first trimester, you’re getting used to the idea of being pregnant.

Second trimester weeks

As you enter this second trimester, your body will settle down to pregnancy.

Third trimester weeks

You've reached the third and final trimester and will be heavily pregnant by now.

Week 10 of Pregnancy

No longer an embryo, your unborn baby enters a new phase.
This is your baby's last week as an embryo, next week she'll be known as a fetus. Her major organs are in place, although by no means in full working order. There's a long way to go yet and her body systems will continue to mature for the rest of pregnancy, and beyond. The most noticeable difference to your body will be in your breasts. You may well have gone up a cup size-or more.

9 Weeks, 4 Days

213 days to go...

face of human fetus at 9 weeks and 4 days

Your baby today

The baby's facial features are becoming more distinctive by this stage. The very fine eyelids have now completely fused over the developing eye and will remain closed until approximately the 26th week of pregnancy.

Just as you've become used to the idea you're pregnant, you may discover that you're carrying more than one baby.

Do you have an instinct that you're having twins? Some women, even very early in pregnancy, suspect they're carrying more than one baby simply because they feel "more pregnant." Signs of a multiple pregnancy include highly sensitive breasts, and extreme morning sickness and fatigue. In a multiple pregnancy, your uterus might also be larger than expected. Your doctor may be able to feel it rising into your lower belly from this week, instead of from 12 weeks.

Whether or not you suspect anything, the first ultrasound scan (see You are 11 Weeks and 1 Day) will show definitely if you are carrying more than one baby.

Focus On... Twins

The shocking news

The news that you're having two or more babies may not always be delivered with the greatest tact. For instance, the sonographer may look at the scan and say that "something needs checking." This sounds worrying, of course, but remember, he or she is only being cautious before giving you the life-changing news. The sonographer may also be checking your twins for size, to rule out any major problems. Once this is done, however, there are likely to be hearty congratulations.

Ask A... Mom

I'm delighted we're having twins but how will I manage?

I felt the same when I was expecting and had so many worries-"Will I be able to breast-feed two babies? How many cribs will I need?" At first, your head is likely to be spinning with these thoughts, as you get used to the idea of your twin pregnancy.

To give yourself time to come to terms with the news, you may prefer to keep it to yourselves for a few weeks. What you'll find is that family and friends react differently. Responses can range from pure joy (usually from thrilled grandparents) to envy or a bit of scaremongering (from friends and strangers).

We found it helpful to talk to others who were expecting twins or who were already parents to twins. Visit the website of the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs to find a local group.

9 Weeks, 4 Days

213 days to go...

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