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First trimester weeks

Congrats! During the first trimester, you’re getting used to the idea of being pregnant.

Second trimester weeks

As you enter this second trimester, your body will settle down to pregnancy.

Third trimester weeks

You've reached the third and final trimester and will be heavily pregnant by now.

Week 36 of Pregnancy

Get together with your partner and talk through your birth plans.
Don't leave crucial arrangements until the last minute. Have an action plan ready for when you go into labor-it might be sooner than you think. Babies can arrive ahead of schedule, so make sure you and your partner feel confident about managing. Figure out practicalities, such as arranging care for other children, or even the cat. Rope in your parents or friends to help if need be, pack your hospital bag, and relax.

35 Weeks, 6 Days

29 days to go...

Fetus 25 Weeks 6 Days

Your baby today

Most babies will now be positioned longitudinally (lying straight up and down, with their head well in the pelvis). Even now, when space is limited in these final weeks, there is still time for the position to change to head down if your baby is bottom first (breech).

Complex developments are taking place in your baby's lungs that will enable her to breathe unaided once she is born.

The blood flow to your baby's lungs mirrors the development of the airways. Blood leaves the right side of the heart through a one-way valve into the main pulmonary vein. This then divides to give a pulmonary branch to each lung, and also a duct that allows blood to bypass the lungs and travel to the body directly. This will close soon after birth as the lungs expand and their resistance to blood flow falls.

Because your baby doesn't use his lungs for gas exchange in the uterus, the blood supply to them is quite small-only 10 percent of the post-birth supply. At this stage of pregnancy, the lungs' blood supply has completed its development, branching into finer and finer vessels as they come to lie closer to the alveoli.

When your baby is born, her chest is compressed in the birth canal and this helps to push the fluid out of the lungs in preparation for that incredible first breath. If your baby is born by cesarean, she will need first to bring the fluid up by herself. This is not a problem but for this reason the first breaths of a baby born by cesarean can be full of mucus.

Items for your hospital bag

Make sure you have all the items you need for your hospital bag. Remember to include items for yourself as well as the baby and, if you know you're having a cesarean, pack enough items for a few days.

For yourself:

  • Pajamas
  • Underwear
  • Nursing bras
  • Slippers
  • Dressing gown
  • Hairbrush
  • Toothbrush
  • Toiletries
  • Maternity sanitary pads
  • Breast pads and nipple cream
  • Comfortable loungewear in case you stay in and want to get dressed.

For your baby:

  • Undershirts
  • Footed onesies
  • Blanket
  • Diapers
  • Diaper bags
  • Cotton pads
  • Diaper cream, such as Desitin
  • Baby wipes if you intend to use them
  • Hat and cardigan for going home – you can also use the cardigan if your baby needs layers to keep warm while she's in the hospital.

Other useful items:

  • Camera – still camera and/or video camera
  • Music for the delivery room
  • Books and magazines
  • Massage oil
  • TENS machine
  • Washcloths

Your partner should also get a bag ready for himself (see What's in your hospital bag?) and ensure the car seat is installed. Pack snacks and drinks closer to the time, but think about what you might need.

Start figuring out now what you'll take to the hospital, since you won't want to be gathering items together once you're in labor.

35 Weeks, 6 Days

29 days to go...

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