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First trimester weeks

Congrats! During the first trimester, you’re getting used to the idea of being pregnant.

Second trimester weeks

As you enter this second trimester, your body will settle down to pregnancy.

Third trimester weeks

You've reached the third and final trimester and will be heavily pregnant by now.

  • Week 34 of Pregnancy

    Most women want to wait as long as possible to start maternity leave, but you must make the decision that is right for you.

  • Week 34 of Pregnancy

    The size of your belly will increasingly be due to the baby alone as the amniotic fluid now reduces slightly each week.

  • Week 34 of Pregnancy

    You may be learning breathing and relaxation techniques at prenatal classes, but practice them at home, too.

  • Week 34 of Pregnancy

    Your baby is naturally nourished inside the uterus and her own digestive tract is now functioning well.

  • Week 34 of Pregnancy

    If you've made the decision to have a home birth, you'll need to ensure you're fully prepared in good time.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    As your size begins to have an impact on your daily activities, you'll find that a few practical adjustments are necessary.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    Your baby is blinking and learning to focus, and his pupils will dilate in response to light filtering through the uterus.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    As maternity leave approaches, you might be looking for ways to save money, so here are ways to find baby clothes on a budget.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    Inside the uterus your baby is already practicing the suckling reflex, which will enable him to feed when he's born.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    You'll probably find yourself analyzing every ache and pain in these final weeks of your pregnancy.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    It's never too late to improve your fitness and whatever you do now will stand you in good stead for labor.

  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    The reality of being a mother will begin to hit you in these final weeks, and you have everything to look forward to.

  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    At 35 weeks and 1 day pregnant, you may be surprised to find that your social life is already changing, and the baby hasn't even arrived yet!

  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    Although the color is developing in your baby's eyes, the final color will not be known for some time.

  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    Don't forget this is a life-changing time for your partner, too, so find positive ways to involve him in the time preceding the birth.

  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    The lungs don't become fully functional until these final weeks, but important development is taking place now.

  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    It's a good idea to make practical arrangements now for what might happen if you go into labor.

  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    Complex developments are taking place in your baby's lungs that will enable her to breathe unaided once she is born.

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