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First trimester weeks

Congrats! During the first trimester, you’re getting used to the idea of being pregnant.

Second trimester weeks

As you enter this second trimester, your body will settle down to pregnancy.

Third trimester weeks

You've reached the third and final trimester and will be heavily pregnant by now.

  • First Trimester

    This article describes the development of your baby and your body during the first six weeks of pregnancy.

  • Third Trimester

    Find everything you need to get you through your ninth month of pregnancy.

  • Third Trimester

    Find everything you need to get you through your eighth month of pregnancy.

  • Second Trimester

    Find everything you need to get you through your fifth month of pregnancy.

  • First Trimester

    Click here to learn more about the last month of your first trimester! Find out how your baby will grow and how your body will change.

  • First Trimester

    Find everything you need to get you through your second month of pregnancy.

  • Second Trimester
    By L. Elizabeth Forry

    Here we look at the second trimester of your pregnancy and take you through the common signs and symptoms as well as your baby's size and development and your 4 month pregnant belly.

  • First Trimester

    Find everything you need to get you through your first month of pregnancy.

  • Second Trimester

    Learn what to expect during the second trimester of pregnancy.

  • First Trimester
    Pregnancy Health
    By L. Elizabeth Forry

    An essential guide (containing advice from Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo) to common first trimester symptoms & health conditions, prenatal supplements and exercise.

  • First Trimester

    In your first trimester of pregnancy? Get tips and information on screenings, symptoms, your baby's size, weight gain, do's and don'ts, and miscarriage risk in the first 12 weeks.

  • Week 1 of Pregnancy
    Trying to Conceive

  • Week 1 of Pregnancy

    This is day one of your period. If you are trying to conceive during this menstrual cycle, keep a note of this highly significant date.

  • Second Trimester

    In your second trimester of pregnancy? Learn about screenings, ultrasounds, weight gain, fetal development, complications, miscarriage risk, and more in weeks 13 through 25.

  • Week 2 of Pregnancy
    Trying to Conceive

  • Week 1 of Pregnancy

    By tracking your menstrual cycle and understanding how it works, you may increase your chances of conceiving.

  • Third Trimester

    In your third trimester of pregnancy? As you approach 40 weeks, get tips on your health, weight gain, fatigue, baby size, labor and delivery, and preparing for baby.

  • Week 3 of Pregnancy

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