1. What is the best-selling Girl Scout cookie?
2. About how many cases of Girl Scout Cookies can you cram into the average SUV or minivan (no passengers, please!)?
3. What was the first kind of Girl Scout cookies made?
4. What three kinds of cookies are sold every year?
5. What are All Abouts?
6. What's another name for Do-si-Dos?
7. Which kind of cookie has coconut and caramel?
8. Up to how many varieties are sold each year?
9. What kind of cookie is used in the peanut butter sandwich cookies?
10. About how many boxes of Girl Scout cookies were sold in 2003?
1. What is the best-selling Girl Scout cookie?
Thin Mints.
2. About how many cases of Girl Scout Cookies can you cram into the average SUV or minivan (no passengers, please!)?
3. What was the first kind of Girl Scout cookies made?
4. What three kinds of cookies are sold every year?
Do-si-Dos/Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Thin Mints, Trefoils/Shortbread.
5. What are All Abouts?
Shortbread cookies with a message on top and fudge on the bottom.
6. What's another name for Do-si-Dos?
Peanut butter sandwich cookies.
7. Which kind of cookie has coconut and caramel?
Samoas/Caramel deLites.
8. Up to how many varieties are sold each year?
9. What kind of cookie is used in the peanut butter sandwich cookies?
10. About how many boxes of Girl Scout cookies were sold in 2003?
200 million.